Over the past decade, the idea of environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy has steadily become more popular. This is due largely to increased focus on issues such as climate change, social justice movements, and investor pressure. As a result, ESG has moved to the forefront of concerns for enterprises looking to be more mindful of their impact and influence on the environment, social causes, and government policies.

One company that has been successful in this regard is Dell Technologies. The company recently published its annual Environmental Social Governance (ESG) report, and the following is a summary.

A strong foundation for driving meaningful change

Dell believes that to drive meaningful change in the world, a strong framework must be set in place to effectively include ESG efforts across all lines of its business. To this end, Dell has listened to its stakeholders to learn where to focus and operationalize its efforts:

·       Advancing Sustainability

·       Cultivating Inclusion

·       Transforming Lives 

·       Upholding Ethics and Privacy

Dell believes that with these pillars in place, the company can effectively bring together what it is as a technology leader with what it is doing to drive meaningful societal and environmental change across the globe.

Key highlights from Dell’s FY22 ESG Report

The purpose of publishing an ESG report annually is to keep stakeholders informed of a company’s progress on its ESG efforts. 

The following are some of the key highlights from Dell’s FY22 ESG report:

·       Used 179.8M kilograms (396.5M pounds) of sustainable materials in Dell’s products and packaging 

·       Expanded their 13 Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) to 470 chapters across 76 countries 

·       Transformed the lives of nearly 160 million people through initiatives like Digital Lifecare, Solar Community Hubs and Student Tech Crew 

·       Received their 10th recognition as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies® by the Ethisphere® Institute 

Looking ahead

When looking ahead, Dell plans to increase its focus on areas where it can use its core capabilities – the company’s technology and its people – to have the greatest positive impact around the world. 

As such, Dell will continue to focus on climate action, circular economy, digital inclusion, and its inclusive workforce, and use its resources to drive outsized impact in society.

Learn more

Read through the highlights and learn more about the Dell Technologies’ FY22 ESG report. 

You can also learn more about Dell ESG resources for partners.





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